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I’m Ubaid hoxha , a passionate digital marketer driven by the art of transforming ideas into engaging digital experiences. With many years of experience in the dynamic realm of digital marketing, I’ve honed my skills in crafting compelling strategies that resonate with audiences across diverse platforms.
My journey began with a fervent curiosity for the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing. From navigating the intricacies of SEO and social media to leveraging data-driven insights, my dedication lies in delivering results that exceed expectations.
At Ubaid hoxha , we don’t just conceptualize campaigns; we meticulously sculpt them to reflect the unique essence of each brand we collaborate with. Our approach integrates innovation, precision, and a deep understanding of consumer behavior, ensuring that every initiative we undertake leaves an indelible mark.
I believe in the power of collaboration and thrive on building lasting relationships with clients, walking alongside them through every stage of their digital journey. Together, let’s harness the potential of the digital sphere and elevate your brand to new heights.


ATHIRA: Influencer Marketing Dynamo is a powerhouse in the realm of digital marketing, showcasing exceptional talent and an unwavering work ethic. Her passion for digital marketing is palpable, creating a strong and vibrant presence in the team. Athira’s prowess in influencer marketing is unparalleled, turning brand collaborations into authentic, impactful narratives that resonate with diverse audiences.

Known for her meticulous approach, Athira’s dedication to her work is evident in every project she undertakes. While her expertise shines in influencer marketing, her skills extend seamlessly to various facets of digital marketing, including SEO, SMM (Social Media Marketing), Google Ads, and email marketing.

In the intricate world of SEO, Athira is a maestro, optimizing content and strategies to ensure maximum visibility and engagement. Her ability to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing reflects a deep understanding of industry trends and a commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation.

Athira’s collaborative spirit and dynamic approach make her an invaluable asset to the team, bringing a fresh perspective to every campaign. As we continue to elevate brands in the digital arena, Athira’s multifaceted skills and passionate mindset propel us forward, creating impactful connections and driving success.


HAJEESH : The Architect of Engagement

Hajeesh is a luminary in the field of digital marketing, marked by unparalleled talent and an unyielding commitment to excellence. His digital prowess is a testament to a strong and visionary mind, evident in every strategy he crafts. Hajeesh is not just a digital marketer; he’s an architect of engagement, constructing campaigns that resonate with audiences on a profound level.

With an exceptional skill set, Hajeesh’s expertise extends far beyond conventional boundaries. His proficiency in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), content marketing, social media marketing (SMM), email marketing, and Google Ads is nothing short of extraordinary. Hajeesh’s meticulous attention to detail ensures that every element of his work contributes seamlessly to the overarching goal of elevating brand presence in the digital realm.


SINAN: Mastermind Behind the Clicks

Sinan stands as a luminary in the realm of digital marketing, distinguished by an extraordinary blend of expertise and an unrelenting dedication to his craft. He is not merely a digital marketer; he is the mastermind behind clicks, orchestrating campaigns that captivate and resonate with audiences in profound ways.

Sinan’s journey unfolds with a deep passion for digital marketing, evident in his meticulous approach to every project. His exceptional skills go beyond the conventional, encompassing a mastery of the entire digital landscape. From creating compelling ad campaigns to driving clicks and conversions, Sinan’s proficiency in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is truly exceptional.


SANU: The Social Media Maestro

Sanu emerges as a beacon of excellence in the dynamic sphere of digital marketing, marked by an extraordinary fusion of talent and an unwavering commitment to cultivating online communities. More than a digital marketer, Sanu is the social media maestro, orchestrating campaigns that transcend conventional boundaries and resonate deeply with audiences.

Sanu’s journey is defined by an innate passion for social media marketing (SMM), evident in the strategic brilliance he brings to each project. His skills extend far beyond the ordinary, encompassing the ability to build vibrant online communities, foster engagement, and enhance brand visibility.



In the vast expanse of digital marketing, Suhail emerges as a true virtuoso, a master of the intricate art of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). His journey is characterized by a profound dedication to excellence, transforming him into an indispensable force in our team. Suhail isn’t just a digital marketer; he is the SEO virtuoso, orchestrating strategies that elevate brands to the pinnacle of online visibility.

Suhail’s expertise is rooted in a deep understanding of search algorithms and user behaviour, enabling him to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of SEO with precision. His skills extend far beyond the ordinary, encompassing the optimization of content, websites, and digital strategies to ensure maximum visibility and engagement.


SARFRAS MOHAMMED : Content Crafting Connoisseur

In the vast canvas of digital marketing, Sarfraz Mohammed stands out as a true connoisseur, masterfully wielding the art of content crafting. His journey is a testament to a unique blend of creativity, dedication, and an unyielding commitment to shaping narratives that resonate with audiences. Sarfraz isn’t just a digital marketer; he is the content crafting connoisseur, sculpting stories that leave an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of the audience.

Sarfraz’s expertise unfolds in the careful selection of words, a mastery of storytelling, and an ability to breathe life into ideas. His skills go beyond the conventional, encompassing the creation of compelling narratives that not only engage but also foster brand loyalty.


SHAHIL : Data-Driven Marketing Maverick

In the intricate realm of digital marketing, Shahil emerges as a maverick, a visionary at the forefront of data-driven strategies. His journey is defined by an unrelenting passion for transforming raw data into strategic brilliance, making him an invaluable asset to our team. Shahil isn’t just a digital marketer; he is the data-driven marketing maverick, harnessing analytics to guide our campaigns and ensure measurable success.

Shahil’s expertise is rooted in a deep understanding of data analytics, allowing him to decipher insights that shape marketing decisions. His skills extend far beyond the ordinary, encompassing the utilization of data to drive campaigns, optimize strategies, and ensure every marketing effort aligns with our clients’ goals.


SUDAID ARSHAK : Innovation Instigator

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Sudaid Arshak emerges as an instigator of innovation, a visionary leader propelling our team into uncharted territories. His journey is marked by an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering commitment to shaping the future of digital strategies. Sudaid isn’t just a digital marketer; he is the innovation instigator, introducing groundbreaking solutions that redefine the boundaries of success in the digital realm.

Sudaid’s expertise lies in identifying opportunities on the cutting edge of technology and marketing, pushing the boundaries of conventional campaigns. His skills extend beyond the ordinary, encompassing the implementation of forward-thinking strategies that keep our clients ahead in the digital curve.

With a meticulous approach to staying abreast of emerging technologies, Sudaid crafts campaigns that showcase the latest innovations. From leveraging AI and machine learning to implementing immersive experiences, his proficiency ensures that our clients not only have a digital presence but also stand out as pioneers in their respective industries.


ABDULLA IQUYAN: Brand Storytelling Specialist and Digital Maestro

Iqiyan Abdulla is more than a member of our digital marketing team; he is a Brand Storytelling Specialist, weaving narratives that resonate and endure in the vast digital landscape. His multifaceted skills extend from strategic thinking to a deep understanding of various digital marketing channels, making him a true digital maestro.

In the realm of brand storytelling, Iqiyan’s expertise lies in crafting narratives that go beyond marketing—they create emotional connections. His ability to infuse brand messages with compelling stories sets him apart, ensuring that our clients’ stories are not just told but are experienced by their audiences.


RASHEEDUDHEEN: Video Marketing Visionary and Visual Virtuoso

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, Rasheeduddeen emerges as a visionary, transcending traditional strategies to become a Video Marketing Visionary. His journey is marked by an unwavering dedication to the art of visual storytelling, making him a true visual virtuoso within our team.

Rasheeduddeen’s expertise extends beyond conventional marketing approaches, delving into the impactful world of video content. His proficiency in crafting visually stunning videos is not merely a skill; it’s an art form that captivates audiences and brings brand stories to life.


FUHAD: Graphic Design Guru and Digital Maestro

In the intricate world of digital marketing, Fuwad stands as a true artisan, seamlessly blending graphic design expertise with a profound understanding of digital strategies. His journey is marked by an unwavering commitment to visual excellence, making him not just a digital marketer but a Graphic Design Guru and Digital Maestro.

Fuwad’s proficiency in graphic design extends beyond creating aesthetically pleasing visuals; it is a strategic approach to enhance brand presence and communication. His designs are not merely static images; they are dynamic elements that breathe life into digital campaigns, capturing the essence of each brand he collaborates with.

As a Graphic Design Guru, Fuwad transforms ideas into visually stunning realities. His ability to interpret brand narratives and translate them into captivating visuals ensures that our clients make a memorable impact in the digital space.

REZEL : Email Marketing Maestro and Digital Craftsman

Within the intricate landscape of digital marketing, Rezel stands out as an Email Marketing Maestro, orchestrating campaigns that transcend mere messages to become compelling narratives. His journey is marked by a dedication to crafting impactful email strategies, making him not just a digital marketer but a Digital Craftsman specializing in the art of email marketing.

Rezel’s expertise in email marketing goes beyond the conventional; it’s a nuanced understanding of how to captivate audiences within the confines of an email. His campaigns are not just communications; they are stories carefully woven into every subject line and content piece, ensuring that each email leaves a lasting impression.

As an Email Marketing Maestro, Rezel navigates the intricacies of crafting compelling email campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences. From designing visually appealing templates to crafting persuasive copy, his work ensures that our clients’ messages not only land in inboxes but also spark engagement and conversions.

THAFSEER : UX/UI Alchemist and Digital Artisan

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, Thafzil stands out as an Alchemist of User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI), transforming digital interactions into seamless and delightful experiences. His journey is marked by an unwavering commitment to creating digital artistry, making him not just a digital marketer but a UX/UI Alchemist and Digital Artisan.

Thafzil’s expertise in UX/UI design goes beyond aesthetics; it’s a strategic approach to enhance user engagement and satisfaction. His designs are not mere interfaces; they are gateways that intuitively guide users through a captivating digital journey, ensuring a harmonious blend of functionality and visual appeal.

As a UX/UI Alchemist, Thafzil navigates the intricacies of crafting interfaces that resonate with users on a profound level. From wireframes to interactive prototypes, his work ensures that every digital touchpoint becomes an immersive experience, leaving a lasting impression on users.

SUMAYYA : Social Media Maven and Content Virtuoso

Within the dynamic realm of digital marketing, Sumayya shines as a Social Media Maven and Content Virtuoso, shaping online narratives that captivate and resonate with audiences. Her journey is defined by an unwavering commitment to crafting compelling social media strategies, making her not just a digital marketer but a creative force within the world of social media.

Sumayya’s proficiency in social media marketing (SMM) goes beyond posting content; it’s an artful approach to building communities and fostering meaningful connections. Her campaigns are not just about engagement metrics; they are stories told through curated feeds, sparking conversations and building brand loyalty.

NIDA : Analytics Virtuoso and Data Maestro

In the data-driven landscape of digital marketing, Nida emerges as an Analytics Virtuoso and Data Maestro, transforming raw data into actionable insights that drive strategic decisions. Her journey is marked by an unwavering dedication to unraveling the intricacies of analytics, making her not just a digital marketer but a key player in decoding the language of data.

Nida’s proficiency in analytics extends beyond routine reporting; it’s a strategic approach to understanding user behaviors, optimizing campaigns, and maximizing ROI. Her analyses are not just data points; they are narratives that unveil the story behind the numbers, providing a roadmap for informed decision-making.


JABEENA : Ad Copy Artisan and Persuasion Prodigy

Within the dynamic world of digital marketing, Jabeena emerges as an Ad Copy Artisan and Persuasion Prodigy, crafting compelling narratives that not only capture attention but also inspire action. Her journey is marked by a dedication to the art of persuasive communication, making her not just a digital marketer but a true master in the realm of ad copy.

Jabeena’s proficiency in ad copywriting goes beyond the ordinary; it’s a strategic blend of creativity and persuasion. Her ad copies are not just words on a screen; they are carefully sculpted messages that resonate with the target audience, evoke emotions, and drive desired outcomes.

As an Ad Copy Artisan, Jabeena navigates the intricacies of brand messaging, ensuring that each word contributes to a compelling narrative. From captivating headlines to persuasive calls to action, her work ensures that our clients’ advertisements not only stand out in the crowded digital space but also leave a lasting impact on potential customers.


RAMEESHA : Visual Content Wordsmith and Creative Luminary

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Ramisha stands out as a Visual Content Wordsmith and Creative Luminary, crafting written narratives that paint vivid images and breathe life into visual content. Her journey is marked by a profound commitment to storytelling through words, making her not just a digital marketer but a virtuoso in the art of visual content writing.

Ramisha’s proficiency in visual content writing extends beyond the ordinary; it’s a skilful blend of creativity and linguistic mastery. Her written compositions are not mere descriptions; they are lyrical expressions that enhance the visual elements, ensuring that every piece of content becomes an immersive experience for the audience.

As a Visual Content Wordsmith, Ramisha navigates the intricacies of visual storytelling, ensuring that her words seamlessly complement and elevate the visual components. Whether it’s creating captivating captions for social media posts, developing engaging blog content, or crafting compelling narratives for multimedia presentations, her work ensures that our clients’ visual content is not just seen but deeply felt.

HANEENA : Team Orchestrator and Strategic Maven

In the intricate ensemble of our digital marketing team, Haneena emerges as the Team Orchestrator and Strategic Maven, seamlessly navigating the diverse talents within the group to orchestrate harmonious campaigns. Her journey is marked by an unwavering commitment to ensuring collaborative synergy, making her not just a digital marketer but the linchpin that unites and propels the entire team forward.

Haneena’s proficiency in team coordination goes beyond traditional management; it’s a strategic approach to leveraging each team member’s strengths and skills. Her role as a Team Orchestrator is not just about overseeing tasks; it’s about crafting a collaborative environment where creativity, innovation, and expertise seamlessly converge.


In today’s rapidly evolving world, the pursuit of knowledge and skill enhancement has become essential for personal and professional growth. In the bustling landscape of educational institutions, Skilz Institute emerges as a beacon of innovation and empowerment, dedicated to nurturing talents and honing skills for success in diverse fields.

Established with a vision to bridge the gap between education and industry demands, Skilz Institute stands as a testament to excellence in education. Our institute is committed to providing dynamic learning experiences that equip individuals with the practical skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the competitive global landscape.